The Beatles have been called the founders of good rock, and the beginning of boy-band brilliance (sweet consonance skills there, oh yeah). Whether you're a fan or not, you most likely know the classics. The exception being that you may live on an isolated Amish farm, in which case you probably don't have access to this blog either. So I'm pretty sure we can rule that one out. In other words, you've heard The Beatles. Their music relates to a wide audience, on different levels. Who knows what was going on when they wrote the lyrics "we all live in a yellow submarine". In other cases it was more clear, such as in the not-so-subtle "I wanna hold your hand". We hear and know their music today. From the old to the very young, all can appreciate songs like Hey Jude. So we can see here as a three year old sings the song from memory. Complete with a diaper and a guitar in hand, the Asian kid gave an amazing performance that brought in millions of views.
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