Credit for this video can't go to any one individual, as it was really a whole group of people who have each told me how weird this is. So I thought to myself, "Weird? I love weird. I'm posting this, whatever it is." Then I saw it. My reaction was a kind of a mixture of emotions. I can't say that I laughed, at least not the first time I saw it. I felt an urge to watch it again/go to sleep/post it right away/not post it at all/say what is this?/eat a whole carton of ice cream. But I had already wanted to do the last one, so I don't know if it counts. Finally, urges 1 and 3 won over, so here we are. Fox 5 News Live showed a contest of two ladies stomping grapes. The winner would be the one who stomped the most juice, and would recieve a free overnight stay at the inn sponsering the contest. I still have no clue how, but grape lady #1 takes a random tumble. I think this got around because of the sounds #1 made after falling, which sounded something like a drowning cow-goat with bronchitis.
Check out the weirdness by clicking on the title for the link