Here's another from our friend Nat, or communitychannel, on youtube. You know the blue screen, black text of those FBI warnings before movies? I'm talking about the ones that tell you not to copy/distribute the movie you're about to watch, or they'll come after your family and send you all to the island on LOST where you'll spend years trying to get off. And when you finally defeat The Others and find a rescue ship off, you'll get all depressed and start hallucinating that Charlie's alive and saying you've made a mistake. Or you may end up hairy and gross like Jack, in which case you'll find yourself saying, "We have to go back Kate!" Yeah, I know you've probably never read the FBI warnings, but that's what they say. And if you don't watch LOST, you're missing out. So back to Nat, she decided to come up with her own FBI warning. It's pretty sweet.
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