Call me sick, strange, awesome, or purple, but I saw this video and had a fit of histerical laughter. A fit, people, is defined in Webster's dictionary as
So basically, I looked like I was having some sort of seizure on the couch, all because Jansen M. had to say, "hey, look at this". In fact, I probably resembled, well, a Tickle me Elmo lit on fire. Just like the one I was watching. Do you think that fact that I found that funny is sick/strange/awesome/purple? It does look a bit weird when you picture a laughing children's toy in flame. Especially one so harmless and beloved as our furry friend Elmo. But before you criticize me, I challenge you: watch the video, and we'll see if it can't get even a small hehehe out of you.
1. a sudden, acute attack or manifestation of a disease, esp. one marked by convulsions or unconsciousness: a fit of epilepsy.
2. an onset, spell, or period of emotion, feeling, inclination, activity, etc.: a fit of anger; a fit of weeping.
Brace yourself and click on the title
Elmo voted on my poll before they doused him in gasoline.