
Clever things to say after inhaling from a helium balloon

Friends and everyone else, I am here for you. I am here to listen to your (many) sins and clear your guilty consciences. I have found for you all a giving/selfless/charitable/easy way to erase your conscience. It's called The Hunger Site. Every time you do something stupid and can't forgive yourself, every time you watch Play it Forward and feel like passing on the good (deep, down) in your heart, turn to this website. All you have to do is follow these three steps as copied from the site:
1. You click daily
2. Sponsors pay for cups of food
3. Shop our store and give more
Simple, right? AHAHAHA that's what you think! I didn't mention the catch. Hmm, no catch. Wait a second, this goes against all laws of human nature. Pure good and goodliness with no fine print? Wow. This is definitely a new concept.

Check it out yourself by clicking on the link
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