A few posts back, I gave you a great way to clear a guilty conscience/ do something spontaneously good. Guess what, I'm keepin' 'em coming. Oh yeah, that's right: I'm on a roll here with these feel-good links. Meet Blackle. This one is an alternative search engine that saves energy by using white text on a black screen versus the usual black on white. So far, 1,052,129.422 watt hours have been saved. Also, the search is run by google, so you don't have to worry about getting different search results than the ones you want. My suggestion: save it as your homepage or default search page, or bookmark it. That way it will be easier to access, and you'll be more likely to use it. This can definitely erase that guilt from last week's littering. Remember? You tossed your gum/bottle/homework/math teacher out on the sidewalk, convincing yourself that whatever it is is biodegradable. Make the switch to Blackle, and be forever forgiven by all (except possibly your math teacher).
Click on the title for the link.