
My hobby is collecting dust

Hey there all you cowgirls and cowboys!

I've got a recipe for you, if you can even call it that. Alright, so I'm a little bias. Just as a general rule, I don't use store bought cookie dough. I'm a bit of a snob when it comes to shortcuts that take the "cook" out of cooking. But seriously, at what point do you direct your compliments at Pillsbury instead of the woman who put the cake in front of you? Or do you just go on pretending that it still took significant effort to make? "Thanks m'am, that was delicious... you sure did a good job of putting that in the oven."

Reguardless, I'm giving you this recipe because Logan has really taken to it. He's kept us in good supply of the treats, which are quick and easy to make. They consist of some kind of chocolate candy in the center of a ball of cookie dough, cooked in a muffin pan like little tarts. They really are quite cute, and they taste just as you'd expect cookie dough and candy to. The fun part comes in experimenting with which type of candies to put in which cookies. We've had some weird combinations (mint chocolate candy in a peanut butter dough) and some quite yummy ones too (fun size snickers in sugar cookie dough). Have fun trying it out. And be sure to let me know of any great flavors you discover!


20/20 hearing

Frogs and toads,

I just thought you should know that a miraculous, wonderful thing just occurred. It's called- I just found a box full of Shamwow brand towels in my basement. I know. How did this amazing event unfold, you may ask? It happened a little something like this:

"Mom, don't we still have that Shamwow that you bought as a joke that one time?"

"Yeah, we have a whole box in the basement."

So... not as exciting as you expected, was it? But I have the Shamwowie-wow-wows now at my full disposal. Which makes up for the lack of a theatrical discover of the towels. The internet wonder I have for you today is a video that mocks the infamous Shamwow commercial. I know what you're thinking, "but Sessygirl, I've seen many such parodies in my time. What else is there?" But this one is a little different. It's actually an ad for paper towels. Who knew the basic household item had so many uses? Definitley going to force a smile out of you.


How was tomorrow? I think you know what I mean.

Beach boys and bikini babes,

I would just like to start this off by saying... RYAN GOSLING IS A MORMON?!?!?! This is quite the shocker. I consider myself well acquainted with all the big name LDS celebrities and how active they are in the church. So you can imagine my surprise when this little tidbit of news found itself in front of my face. All I can say is that I wish someone would have told me this before I saw The Notebook. That knowledge would have made me love it that much more.

But that has zero to do with what I'm giving to you today, which is a big, neon, flashing arrow sign. It's pointed towards the dELiA's online store, where there just so happens to be a huge clearance sale going on. So if you're doing some back-to-school shopping, or just want to spoil yourself a little, do so frugally by checking out this website. They've got some super cute stuff up to 80% off. And not just leftover summer merchandise either! Make sure to take a look at their sweaters and boots, which are great for romping around in the fall. You can thank me later.

Click on the title for the link


I am the kid next door's imaginary friend

Hey there, cats and dogs. Here's what's up: men who are lacking, stop complaining. All of you guys out there who weren't lucky enough to grow up in Australia or England and therefore don't have a hott foreign accent, get over it. If I hear another male complain about how unfair it is that an accent boosts the attractiveness factor for the ladies, I'll pull all my eyelashes out. True, girls will fall over a Scottish lad far more easily than your average American boy. But doesn't this go both ways? Guys, don't even try to tell me that you're not more likely to get the hotts for a foreign girl then for the girl next door. What is it about hailing from another country that we find so attractive? Are we, as people, just so bored of encountering the same run-of-the-mill characters that meeting someone from a different country excites us? Sherlock, I believe we just solved a mystery.

This video is an old one, but every once in a while when I need some foreign boy in my life, I go re-watch it. Declan Galbraith, who is from Scottish and Irish descent, shows off his vocal talents in this sweet song. The kid's eighteen now, although he's probably no older than fourteen here. As he's gotten older, he's definitley gotten hotter, and yes, the foreign appeal has helped that. Too bad his voice hasn't improved with his attractiveness. Sigh.

Check out the video by clicking on the title for the link.


Clever things to say after inhaling from a helium balloon

Readers, I have a confession to make.

You may want to prepare yourself. Yes, it's that bad. I've tried my hardest to provide you with the best internet tidbits. My blog has been here on rainy days, days when your date has stood you up, and days when your friends have gone to camp and left you home with no social life. Yes, I've tried to be there for you. And that's why, in my time of need, I'm asking you to be here for me. The truth is... I'm struggling with an addiction problem. Oh no, not a typical addiction situation. I'm still just as straight-edge Mormon as it gets.

It all started when I innocently visited the Converse site in search of some stylish new sneaks. I clicked around a little, y'know. And I happened to discover the design-your-own Converse shoes feature they have. To put it simply, it was love at first sight. Problem is, I can't seem to pull myself away. All my free time goes into this relationship now. I've designed at least 15 different pairs of sneakers, all featuring different patterns and color schemes. I haven't ordered myself any yet, mainly because I can't seem to pick between all of my masterpieces. Converse does a great job of making the design process easy and fun. And you can rotate your sneaks to view them from all angles, just as if you were picking them up off a store shelf. So try it out, have fun... but don't get too carried away. Trust me, it can happen.

Click on the title for the link.

Bonsai kitten

What's up, all you dreamers and schemers?

Is anyone else not a 'Fred' fan? You all know who I'm talking about. Annoying youtuber who has achieved some kind of miraculous fame through giving himself a chipmunk voice. His whole shtick is that he's a six year old with ADHD and an alcoholic mom. Except in reality, he's still just a feminine 15 year old with acne and Zac Efron hair. Ewww. Trust me, the execution is just as bad as the whole idea is. So why is he the #1 most subscribed vlogger of all time? Does this make sense to anyone? I mean, I guess he's attractive if you're into that whole thing. Personally though, I just don't understand it. I'm guessing the majority of his 1,347,805 subscribers are made up of a certain category of the pre-teen population. You know, the ones who wear Hannah Montana wigs to the grocery store and dream of being just like Selena Gomez. Not that I have anything against those people...

But I think I've gotten sidetracked. Livelavalive's Mitchell Davis pokes a little fun at the whole idea of Fred by undergoing surgery that makes his voice the opposite of Fred's high pitched squeaks. A funny idea carried out well. Kudos Livelavalive! Click on the title to link to the video.


I feel bad for people with peanut allergies. They can't have peanuts.

Ladies and gentlemen,
You've all met Natalie Tran of CommunityChannel, right? Well if not, let me just quickly introduce you. Nat, these are my readers. They don't bite... well, at least since I started blogging again. Readers, this is the funny, brilliant, quick, Asian youtube star Natalie. Or as her youtube subscribers know her, CommunityChannel. In this vid, Nat delivers big laughs by hosting a get together for the neglected keystrokes on the keyboard. And if this doesn't make you chuckle, think about how much time she spent painting all of the keystroke boxes in the video.

Check it out by clicking on the title for the link


I'm back. I'm black. Just kidding, I'm extremely white.

Hey lovers and fighters!
It's been a long time, hasn't it? Have all y'all missed me as much as I've missed you? Of course you have. Silly question. But the point is that I'm blogging again. You can expect one post a day from me, at least for the time being. And you may have noticed that TWSS has a brand new look. However, your favorite internet posts and funnies are still here, same as before. Don't forget to check out the poll, which is on the right of your screen, just as you're used to. And of course, I'm still here! So really, not much has changed.

I thought I'd start you all off with a group that's been in my head ever since Lizzie M. introduced us via youtube. You probably haven't heard of Irish band The Script. But with a sound that's a perfect balance of rock and pop, this trio will definitely leave an impression on you. This song is from their self-titled platinum selling album. In The Man Who Can't Be Moved, sweet lyrics and an attractive lead singer will make you a Script addict. Click on the title for the link to the music video.