Hey there, cats and dogs. Here's what's up: men who are lacking, stop complaining. All of you guys out there who weren't lucky enough to grow up in Australia or England and therefore don't have a hott foreign accent, get over it. If I hear another male complain about how unfair it is that an accent boosts the attractiveness factor for the ladies, I'll pull all my eyelashes out. True, girls will fall over a Scottish lad far more easily than your average American boy. But doesn't this go both ways? Guys, don't even try to tell me that you're not more likely to get the hotts for a foreign girl then for the girl next door. What is it about hailing from another country that we find so attractive? Are we, as people, just so bored of encountering the same run-of-the-mill characters that meeting someone from a different country excites us? Sherlock, I believe we just solved a mystery.
This video is an old one, but every once in a while when I need some foreign boy in my life, I go re-watch it. Declan Galbraith, who is from Scottish and Irish descent, shows off his vocal talents in this sweet song. The kid's eighteen now, although he's probably no older than fourteen here. As he's gotten older, he's definitley gotten hotter, and yes, the foreign appeal has helped that. Too bad his
voice hasn't improved with his attractiveness. Sigh.
Check out the video by clicking on the title for the link.