Hey everyone. If you can't tell, the subject of this post is Birthdays. Because, well, today is Kevin Costner, Benji Schwimmer, Kristy Lee Cook, and Jay Chou's birthday. Oh, yeah, and it's mine too. To find out who else is celebrating today, look here. And a big birthday shout-out to Sasha K., who is probably blowing out candles as we speak. Thanks Sasha for always being such a sweetie! Whew. Now I'm done with all the mushy-gushyness. So time for me to introduce our link for today. Guess what, it's a Birthday card! And a super cute, relatively funny one too. At least my brothers approved it. Hoops and Yoyo are two (what even are they, bunnies?) fun-loving animals who are guaranteed to light up your B-day with this song. Watch it and all of your wildest dreams will come true. And now, a quote from Father Larry Lorenzoni:
Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest.
And on that note, click here to see the card.