When I made this post, I thought of you. Yes, each of you, who, like me, go to stinky schools where they don't think that MAJOR NATIONAL EVENTS are worth watching school wide. Hopefully, you were able to persuade your teachers to let you watch at least segments of the inauguration today. But if you happened to end up with stingy Ms. Flingy (rhyming powers, ohh yeah!) who barked "find it later on Hugh Tube or whatever its called" and proceeded to give you hours of meaningless notes, then I feel your pain. Not really, because I ended up with Odierna that block, who gave in to the pressures of the class and let us tune in. But somewhere, I feel your pain. And that is why I found you Obama's speech (wait for it...) in both video and text forms. Will someone tell me how awesome I am? Make sure to give this a watch/read/both and appreciate history before it becomes history. This is just Obama-llama's inaugurational address. If you're interested in viewing all of the hooplah (fun word) involved, then you can feel free to look it up yourself on "HughTube".
Click on the title to watch the video
To see Obama's words in text, click here.