The reason that Natalie from communitychannel gets so many views, is because she talks about things that people relate to. Take this video, for example. From her very first words, I was getting a tad bit sketched out because I was thinking, this sounds just like me. Honestly, when she started talking about how she loves food to the point of dreaming, crying, and writing poetry about it, I had to pause it and search my house down for little video cameras that had may have been planted and sending video to Australia. I didn't find any, but I did get a good laugh out of this video, and how true it is. Watch it yourself to see if this applies to you too. Oh, and my apologies for not posting lately. With this next week off, I should be able to jump on that train again. So for now, let's just forget that last week ever happened. Then I won't have to change the explanation of by blog that says, "Updated daily". Thanks a bunch for keeping this between us.Click on the title for the link.