Here we have some breaking news from The Onion regarding Disney Channel child stars. Yes, reportedly, Disney claims its latest batch of child stars is so lifelike, you'll barely be able to tell they have no souls. This short news report includes an interview with a man who genetically creates the stars from scratch, giving them one of five personalities and choosing from a variety of skin and hair colors. Other than that, he says they're pretty much all the same. Thanks to Maddie W. for this hilarious video. My favorite part: "Zac Efron's skin will soon begin to deteriorate".
Click on the title for the link.
Many thanks to Justine M. for introducing me to. This guy, Nick Pitera, has racked in millions of views on his videos because of his great voice and impressive range. And by impressive range, I mean a strong falsetto that makes him able to imitate famous women singers. In this vid, Nick shows off his talent in belting A Whole New World from the Disney movie Aladdin. Yes, he sings both Aladdin and Jasmine's parts. Sure he hits a few flat notes here and there, but I'm cutting him slack, because I can't harmonize with myself either. Unless you're a big fan of the song, I'd skip forward to the 51 second mark. Feel free to check out his other stuff too.Click on the title for the link.
The reason that Natalie from communitychannel gets so many views, is because she talks about things that people relate to. Take this video, for example. From her very first words, I was getting a tad bit sketched out because I was thinking, this sounds just like me. Honestly, when she started talking about how she loves food to the point of dreaming, crying, and writing poetry about it, I had to pause it and search my house down for little video cameras that had may have been planted and sending video to Australia. I didn't find any, but I did get a good laugh out of this video, and how true it is. Watch it yourself to see if this applies to you too. Oh, and my apologies for not posting lately. With this next week off, I should be able to jump on that train again. So for now, let's just forget that last week ever happened. Then I won't have to change the explanation of by blog that says, "Updated daily". Thanks a bunch for keeping this between us.Click on the title for the link.
You may recognize Kate Micucci from assorted random roles as minor characters on TV shows. Besides being an actress, she's also a singer, and comedian. Apparently. But I suppose I shouldn't shoot her down so quickly. This video that she acts in is actually pretty cute. Kate plays a ukulele and sings a song to a nearby deer to warn him about the approaching hunter. Plus the deer is Asian, which makes the whole thing that much better. That's right, folks. An Asian deer. Don't believe it? Watch for yourself.
Click on the title for the link.
I recently saw a video about a young man who landed a (temporary) job from asking Obama a question on his visit to Fort Myers, Florida. The man thanked God verbally many times for the opportunity to see and speak to Obama. His actual question was about what benefits would go to low-wage workers such as himself. Obama then explained how tax cuts would help people like him, a McDonalds worker who'd been earning under $8 an hour for the past four years. The man's name is Julio Osegueda, and he is attending college with hopes to become a disk jockey or a broadcaster. He was given a position as the announcer for the Fort Myers Miracle baseball team's radio broadcast for its home opener April 10. Scroll down to the video to watch, and skim the article surrounding it for more info.
Click on the link for the video
Voting on the poll brings good luck
If you ever decide that you want to spend a chunk of time playing useless internet games, don't feel alone. I mean, I'm not with you, because I have about 20 million other things I'd rather do. But enough people out there feel the same way that there are hundreds of sites dedicated to such activities. Take I'm sure you've heard of it. There's shooting, puzzles, sports, arcade, and action games. And with over 3000 ones available, something will strike your fancy.
Go nuts after clicking on the title for the link
and then go nuts on voting on the poll.
I know that you have all wanted to be a part of my inside life. So I've decided to give you a little taste of what it's like to be me. Step one: google sessygirl style. In this link, you get google results with a cool Sessy Search page. What could be better? But if you eventually decide that you want to mix it up a little, there's an option for that too. Right next to the Google Search button is one that says Change Logo Text. But I'm sure you won't have to worry about that, seeing as searching this way is pretty much the awesomest thing ever.
Click on the title for Sessy Search
I voted on the poll, so you should too.

If you need a laugh, check out this site. It's complete with all of the very best and worst jokes out there. It's called In the mood for a blonde joke? They're there. Bar jokes? Those too. Yo Mama jokes? This is the place. So if you appreciate some good lawyer/doctor/computer/knock-knock humor, than this is worth checking out.
Click on the title for the link.
Vote on the poll please.
More work for me. More music links for you. But I tried to mix it up for you a little bit. So this one's a little different vibe than the last. Still under the rock category, but a little more modern and not as well known. But equally good, if you want my opinion. Which you do if you came here in the first place. Enjoy.Click on the title for the linkVoting on the poll promotes good health. It's true. Studies have shown.
This post is too small because my math project's too big. It's as simple as that. The link is what I'm listening to while working on the project. Right now it's classic rock. So please enjoy, and forgive me for shorting you guys today. Actually, keep the anger, and funnel it towards my math teacher. "You're not done with the test? It's taking you as long to do that part as it took some people to do the whole thing." Oh, okay buddy. Thanks for that. What exactly is that supposed to solve? Nothing. Wow, we know we're in trouble when I start complaining to my readers. Sorry guys. Watch the video already.
Click on the title to watch.
Vote on the poll to become rich and successful.
The weekend is over, and the oppression of Mondays is upon us yet again. Which means we are done with the fun of the Super Bowl... or are we? You may have missed a few of the commercials yesterday. Or maybe the whole game. Which ever you are, you can now get access to the best part of Super Bowl season on your home/work/bunny's computer. Oh yes, I have found for you all of the commercials for your casual viewing pleasure. They are very handy motivators for accomplishing work. For example, you can write an English essay, and watch one in between every paragraph. Or, you could practice acrobatic circus moves, and stop to view one after every successful flip. You could even invent something overpriced and pointless. Just make sure to pause and giggle at a commercial every once in a while. So whatever you're up to, make sure to squeeze in some time for a few of these.
Click on the title for the link.
Superbowl day! Sports fans watch for the sweet tackles and winning touchdown. Everyone else takes their bathroom breaks during the game, and comes out in time for the commercials. Yeah, man. Who doesn't love a good, funny, creative, Superbowl commercial? For those of you too busy to commit time to the game, or who don't want to waste a night like that, I've made it easy. Every once in a while, visit for live coverage. That way, you can be in the loop AND productive with everything else. Everyone wins! Make sure to vote on my new poll (on the top right) as soon as it's over. And when your work's done too.Click on the title for the linkVote on the poll when the game's over