There's this site, which you have heard of (unless you are deaf, in which case you have seen someone signing about it) called lolcatz. The whole idea behind it is to put humerous captions on pictures of animals, generally cats. The captions are to be given in lolcatz speech, as if the cat was speaking. This of course, entails gramatical errors and bad spelling, because we all know what bad typers those kitties are. Anyway, this world of captioning pictures has long since expanded beyond the boundries of cat and cat speak. One such example is this picture. Remember back when Robert Pattinson was cast as Cedric Diggory? Now he's got the fame, and Daniel Radcliffe's a fad of the past. Here's what I call irony: the one who keeps his clothes on is dubbed the hearthrob. This picture pretty much sums it up.
(check it out by clicking on the title)