Looking for things to do to stay up until midnight? Meet Dr. Horrible of Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. The mini-musical was created by writer/director Joss Whedon, who is famous for shows such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, as well as his brothers Zack and Jed, and Jed's fiance, actress Maurissa Tancharoen. The team developed the idea during the writer's strike to prove that they didn't need the writers who were in protest. Dr. Horrible is an aspiring supervillian who attempts to overcome his shyness and talk to the girl of his dreams, and defeat his nemesis, the hero Captain Hammer to prove to the Evil League that he's worthy of admittance. The first two minutes are dumb but necessary, so hang in there, because the 40 minute film (with a few short sponser commercial breaks in between) is the most rewarding and brilliant post on this blog. Named #15 in Time magazine's 50 best inventions of 2008, this comedy/tragedy/romance/musical will leave you in awe. And what better chunk of time to watch then while waiting for the ball to drop tonight?
(prepare to be in awe and click on the title for the link)
This is very old, it was one of my links I'd saved for a future week of The Five. Nevertheless, I doubt most of you have seen Kobe Bryant jumping a moving Aston Martin to advertise the power of his Nike Hyperdunks. And I bet even fewer have seen Kenny Smith attempt the same feat in the famed sneakers. The video goes on for over five minutes, but you really only need to watch the first 2:45 to see both Kobe and Kenny jump the vehicles. The remaining 2-something is just the NBA crew watching Kenny get hit by the car over and over again and howling with laughter every time. I'm not quite sure why, but I was cracking up along with them. Watch it and help me unravel the mystery.
(click on the title to release the laughs)
There's this site, which you have heard of (unless you are deaf, in which case you have seen someone signing about it) called lolcatz. The whole idea behind it is to put humerous captions on pictures of animals, generally cats. The captions are to be given in lolcatz speech, as if the cat was speaking. This of course, entails gramatical errors and bad spelling, because we all know what bad typers those kitties are. Anyway, this world of captioning pictures has long since expanded beyond the boundries of cat and cat speak. One such example is this picture. Remember back when Robert Pattinson was cast as Cedric Diggory? Now he's got the fame, and Daniel Radcliffe's a fad of the past. Here's what I call irony: the one who keeps his clothes on is dubbed the hearthrob. This picture pretty much sums it up.
(check it out by clicking on the title)
The credit for this video should really go to my Mandarin teacher, who assigned us a project for which we had to go to the writing lab to research. This gave our class plenty of "research" time to look up and pass around stupid youtube videos. This was one of them. Those who conducted a military ceremony found themselves in a squeeze last minute because the singer pulled a no-show and they had no one to perform the anthem. This cop stepped up to the plate and volunteered to fill the position. Feel free to skip forward to 50 seconds, it doesn't really get good until then. He's so sincere, but such an awful singer. I'll admit it's a little painful, but don't skip over this post.
(click on the title for the link)
When I was in London, I heard about this band called The Get Out Clause. Lacking the funds to produce a music video for their song Paper, the group decided to take advantage of the security cameras that were placed all over the city. Some were set up to capture the license plates of speeding cars, others for theft or purse snatchery. The band looked for them and performed in front of where they were located. They then spoke to government officials and requested the security tapes. The music video is a collage of their street performances as seen by the cameras. This video is the result, and it's fantastic. The song's pretty good, too. Definitely worth the watch.(click the title for the link)
I know my Five viewers have heard of the group Improv Everywhere. You may know them as the people responsible for the no pants subway ride that hundreds of New Yorkers (male and female) participate in every year. I'm a faithful subscriber to their youtube channel, I love all of their videos and the humor behind their skits and pranks. It's too bad so much of it goes unappreciated; an example being in this video. Members of the group pose as workers, civilians, police officers, etc. and the food court of a mall. They seem to 'spontaneously' burst into song, just like in any musical. Trust me, this kind of funny would put Tickle-Me Elmo in a fit for a month.
(click on the title for the link)

Straight No Chaser - the mastermind a cappella group behind this song and others like it, have proved that this really is a youtube world. Years ago when they first formed, they performed this song for a small audience of a few hundred and put their performance up on youtube. It received more than 9,000,000 views just through word of mouth. They were given a recording contract by someone who'd only heard of their fame from the internet. Since then, they've been on tour, singing every night in front of sold out stadium crowds. Their latest CD, Holiday Spirits, has been selling like crazy. Unfortunately, the original video with 9,000,000 views was removed earlier this week to make way for their more recent performances. But the song, a medley of holiday tunes set to The 12 Days of Christmas, is still the same, and still as good as ever.(Click on the title for the link)
Twilight fans and mockers alike, all will appreciate this little parody. In The Twilight Before Christmas, beloved Edward Cullen is replace by a slightly different character: think red suit and ho-ho-ho. Oh yes, Santa Claus makes his appearance opposite a fake Bella. Other than the replacements, the video follows the same storyline as the movie. There's the endless staring, the "everything about me draws you in", the "I know who you are" and "say it, out loud". Need I say more?(click on the post title for the video link)
If you've just run out of school cheering and screaming "Vay-cation! I'm freee, I'm freee!" (like I know the majority of you have) you may be facing a problem at the moment. Sure, running home and dumping your backpack in the garbage was fun, at first. But now you're spending hours on IM and facebook, sending stupid messages and getting all excited when someone (who may be in the same situation) finally sends you a reply. It may be fate, destiny, or indigestion from that extra candy cane, but somehow you've stumbled onto this blog. So congrats. Your life just became more meaningful, because not only have you discovered access to daily updated, hilariously described tidbits, but especially this post. Let me introduce you to a fun little activity called Elf Yourself. On the website, you can upload your face (and those of your friends, enemies, and goldfish) and then watch yourself elf-atized dance to four different song and dance numbers (disco is by far the best). Just know that you can keep your video and email it out without paying, don't sign up for anything. So if you're suffering from vacation boredom, and have a few fun pictures on hand, this is worth giving a try.(click on the title for the link)

The Five was a weekly (in theory) email that I sent out to a list of friends. Each email would consist of the top five must-sees on the web that week. From youtube videos to celeb slamming articles, breaking news to addicting games, I searched out the best so they wouldn't have to. After a painfully long eight month break, The Five is back and in a new format. I will post daily one link and description of what's on it. Of course, voting or commenting is still available, and I welcome suggestions of topics for my next posts. I hope That's What Sessy Said will match the standards of humor and quality links that you've come to expect from The Five. Enjoy!